The Wedding Album
Mr & Mrs Christina & Shaumond Scott Wedding

A wedding day is the culmination of hectic planning and nervous anticipation, and on that day the Bride and Groom revel in the moment of now, living on the edge of wow!

All professional photographers will document a wedding with photos that can be viewed in print or on the web, and of those, only a few will you choose to have framed. Although time will never repeat itself, you can still cherish and relive that day through a custom designed wedding album.

Your wedding album tells the story of you both getting ready for the long-planned event, your entrances, the ceremony, the formal photos, the reception, and your departures. Many photos a photographer will take during your wedding, but photos of tears and looks of pure happiness may never make the walls in frames, but the album is where your story comes to life, and the journey begins.

When considering a wedding photographer, it is important to know if she/he offers an album in the package. Will the photographer design the album themselves, and can you approve or make changes. Your input into the final look of the album is just as important as your wedding day, for these are your memories and those of generations to come.

May 28, 2018
Melvin Wilcox